An Etiquette Guide to Smoking Weed

Close Up of Hand Holding Joint

Like many of you who use cannabis to improve athletic performance or inspire creativity in your work, I smoke a lot of weed. I picked up my first joint in my teenage years: I was a college freshman overwhelmed by an upcoming midterm, wistfully seduced by my closest friends to step into the bathroom to "relax a bit." After emerging from that bathroom 15 minutes later and spending the rest of my night anxiety-free, I decided to become better friends with marijuana. Nine years of smoking later, I've become a certified stoner.

Now that I've gotten older, I've learned so much about the art of smoking — including just how important weed etiquette is. And if you are also ready and willing to take greater consideration with your favorite plant, you've clicked on the right article. But before I dive into some general weed etiquette, I want to emphasize that I'm not here to judge you. I think stoners who police other stoners are weird and pretentious, so take what resonates, and leave what doesn't.

Promise, the following etiquette tips come from a place of care, so read with care. With help from fellow weed expert Bri Ash, here's how to be more of a responsible and considerate stoner.

Experts Featured in This Article

Bri Ash is a weed expert and founder of BlazinWithBri, a canna-friendly platform that disarms the harmful stereotype of stoners who are Black or mothers.

Smoking Weed Etiquette Tips

Find Your "Why"

Along with other healthy coping mechanisms, weed can help improve your day-to-day. If you acknowledge a functional reason to smoke, you'll start desiring a more responsible approach to your smoking habit. If you smoke to reduce daily anxiety, have a puff at breakfast time. If you need an appetite boost, a quick hit before mealtime works wonders. Want to lose some of that nervous energy before heading to the bedroom? Try a joint beforehand. It's super helpful to acknowledge the way weed can contribute to your best self, so you can present your best self to the people around you.

Stay Clean and Cute

Hygiene should always be a stoner's number one priority because the "stinky stoner" stereotype is as harmful as it is untrue. With that in mind, keep a nice, generic mint nearby to freshen your breath, and always wash your hands after a smoke session. If your eyes tend to get red and droopy after a smoke session, eye drops are a game changer. Drink more water than you think you need, and also keep a decent moisture-packed chapstick to keep your lips from looking and feeling brittle. Look as good as you feel after a smoke session so that the people around you actually enjoy being around you.

Store Your Weed Safely

Having a special spot for your weed is good etiquette because it limits who has access to it. Whether you're a parent, a private roommate, or the tenant who calls nosey maintenance every week, it's best to keep your stash somewhere private, safe, and accessible. "I keep my weed pen with me because it's easier and more discrete since I have a son," Ash says. My goodies reside in a small, locked, wooden case that fits snugly under my coffee table. Giving your green buddy and all its helpers a space on its own will keep your home organized, minimize the smell, and lessen the chance of someone finding it who shouldn't be finding it.

Know Your Limits

Although going past your limits and out-smoking your friends may have been a badge of honor in the baby stoner days, times have certainly changed. Now, it's important to recognize and accept your tolerance levels to remain a functioning, capable adult. When you reach a comfortable and functional high, put the weed down and save it for later. I promise, it's OK if you don't finish your joint. Knowing when to stop smoking helps preserve resources and keeps your tolerance levels at neutral positions, even if you smoke daily.

Minimize the Smell

Weed has a strong smell. If you're wearing the outfit you plan to go out in, smoke in a ventilated area like outside, in your garage, or a room with a few windows propped open to help avoid the smell sticking to your clothes. To help avoid lingering hair odor, try keeping your hair pulled back when you smoke, and always allow your space and clothes to air out a bit before cleaning them. Perfume and other masking fragrances are OK, but please be wary of mixing odors — some fragrances mixed with the musk of weed can be totally unappealing.

Know Your Weed and Its Effects

Gaining more knowledge about weed and its different forms makes a stoner more responsible. Especially since "not all weed is the same," Ash says. "Explore different terpenes and cannabinoids, because different strains give different effects on our bodies." For example, edibles are great for a timed high, like if you'll be waiting in line for a while and want to experience its effects as you enter a concert or venue. Tobacco wraps add extra flavor and are great with friends because the tobacco helps intensify the high and lasts a bit longer with each pull.

Diversify Your Community

Diversify your circle with stoner friends and non-stoner friends, because limiting your friend groups to smokers-only is ultimately restrictive and simply impolite. You don't want to miss the opportunity to meet super awesome people just because you can't smoke with them. Plus, knowing how to be social in both smoking and non-smoking environments is a superpower in itself. When you realize you don't need to smoke everywhere you go, you'll learn that you are the fun, and that weed is just a delicious bonus.

When you realize you don't need to smoke everywhere you go, you'll learn that you are the fun, and that weed is just a delicious bonus.

Watch Where You're Blowing

Per proper weed etiquette, don't blow smoke in people's faces. Blow smoke up into the air above your heads or down toward your feet instead. This will show you are considerate both in and out of the smoking circle. When you demonstrate even the smallest polite tactics, you'll be invited to smoke with people more often. And in my experience, since I'm polite with things like this, non-smokers are open to me smoking around them too.

Ash It Before You Pass It

Consideration and manners go a long way in the world of smoking, so it's important to consider the person you're passing the joint to. If you notice a nice chunk of ash preparing to fall off, take a quick second to ash it before you pass it to the next person. If you really want to be a stoner who cares, make sure you hold it with the burning end facing away from them. This will avoid dropped ashes on nice outfits and minor hand-burning mishaps.

Pregame Your Weed

Being the friend who delays plans because they need to stop and find somewhere to smoke is not a good move. Sometimes, the better move is to just pregame and avoid carrying weed around with you. Especially since carrying drugs around on your adventures can be dangerous. If you're with friends, a pregame makes for great bonding time that won't interfere with the itinerary. If you're alone, pregame your weed, and enjoy not needing to find a place to comfortably smoke while you're out.

Let Everyone Live Their Truth

In this day and age, it is still so controversial to be a stoner. But in the same way we live our unashamed stoner truths and don't want to be lectured about weed, we must learn to coexist with people who disagree about our weed habits. Some people simply don't like anything to do with weed, and that's OK. No need to argue, convince, or sway someone's opinion — respect everyone's truths the way we want ours respected.

Ultimately, weed etiquette is all about lifestyle balance and consideration of the people around us. Do yourself a favor and transition to the livelihood of being a stoner who cares; that's how we allow weed to make the world go around.