The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) and all of our schools are committed to providing accurate and transparent information regarding COVID-19 cases on our campuses, while also maintaining privacy and confidentiality for our students and staff.

">Schools ">Enrollment ">May30-June 5
">District/Itinerant ">134 ">0/1
">Edison ES ">386 ">9/0
">Franklin ES " data-sheets-numberformat="">7/14 ">9/0
">Grant ES ">543 ">13/2
">John Adams MS " data-sheets-numberformat="">5/2 " data-sheets-numberformat="">9/5
">Lincoln MS ">908 ">17/0
">Malibu ES ">207 ">0/0
">Malibu MS ">269 ">0/0
">Malibu HS ">413 " data-sheets-numberformat="">5/2
">McKinley ES " data-sheets-numberformat="">1/9 ">8/0
">Muir ES ">242 ">0/0
">Olympic HS " data-sheets-numberformat="">2/5 ">0/2
">PBL Pathway ">124 ">1/0
">Roosevelt ES ">589 " data-sheets-numberformat="">7/2
">Samohi HS ">2683 *
">SMASH ">218 ">4/0
">Webster ES ">209 ">0/1
Will Rogers ES">">Will Rogers ES ">398 " data-sheets-numberformat="">4/1

Information is also available on the LA County website:

Specific school data is available on the county’s site. Scroll down to find the charts on individual schools and enter the school name for results. Alternatively, the words “Santa Monica” or “Malibu” can be searched and all schools in each city will come up at one time.